Leverage CRM data to perfect your email marketing strategy

Powering sales execution for 2000+ business worldwide

Send email marketing campaigns that deliver unbeatable results

Create seamless workflows by combining CRM and email marketing software

Leverage CRM data to perfect your email marketing strategy

Email builder

Cut marketing efforts with professional templates and a simple drag-and-drop builder

Email analytics

Discover which campaigns win the hearts of your audience with real-time reporting

Email segmentation

Reach the right customers with the right message

Track communications

Track calls, emails and contact history exactly where you need to and have full visibility and control of your schedule

Insights and reports

Deep dive into metrics customized for your business and measure company performance against set goals

Automate and grow

Eliminate busywork by automating repetitive administrative tasks and learn from artificial intelligence

Benefits of Pipedrive email marketing software


  1. Help you close more deals
  2. Cut sales-related legwork
  3. Allow everyone on your team to collaborate better
  4. Automate sales tasks
  5. Support your customer communication
  6. Create customized sales reports

Customized Solution to suit your Unique Business Requirements

Don’t confuse yourself. Simply complete the form, and we’ll evaluate your needs and respond accordingly. Plus, you can schedule an online call to dive deeper into the project as well! 

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